The events of meiosis I and II in a living insect spermatocyte beginning with the breakdown of the nuclear envelope at diakinesis through to the completion of cytokinesis. Testes from the Crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis were observed with time-lapse polarization using a Nikon Microphot SA, equipped for liquid crystal polarized light microscopy (LC-PolScope, CRi, Woburn Massachusetts) 60x/1.4 PlanApo oil immersion objective, 1.4 NA oil imm. condenser, with 1.5x zoom lens. Image acquisition and processing Camera: Images captured every 2 min over 5 hr 18 min by a QImaging Retiga EXi CCD camera. Raw images were processed using a 5-frame algorithm (Shribak and Oldenbourg, 2003). Movie images represent computed retardance as gray values ranging from 0 nm retardance (black) to 2 nm retardance or higher (white).
Spatial Axis | Image Size | Pixel Size |
X | 500px | 87nm |
Y | 500px | 87nm |
Time | 120 seconds | 153 |