At cyst formation in the 'giant' unicellular green alga Acetabularia, each cyst contains a single nucleus which subsequently undergoes several rounds of mitosis prior to gamete formation. Initially the nuclei form a syncytium which separates into individual gametes. This section shows a stage in gametogenesis where the syncytium is being divided into uninuclear gametes. See Woodcock and Miller, 1973. Ultrastructural features of the life cycle of Acetabularia I Gametogenesis. Proptoplasma 77, 313-319.
Cysts were fixed in glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, epoxy embedded, and thin sections stained with aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Grids were examined with a Philips 400 TEM operated at 80KV and images recorded on film.
Spatial Axis | Image Size | Pixel Size |
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X | 2810px | 1.35nm |